UU Day at the Legislature 2023
Monday February 20th, 9am at the Arizona State Capitol
When we come together for collective action, we build power in our movement for justice and liberation. Save the date for this year's annual UU Day at the Legislature, at the Arizona State Capitol, which has traditionally included a lobby training, guest speakers, a capitol tour, and appointments to speak with your legislators. To be sure we involve congregations as much as possible in re-imagining this event, we'd love for all folks to take a minute to give some feedback. If you think you'd be willing to be a DATL "captain" for your legislative district, fill out the form by Nov. 15th.
Give your input and register here
Monday February 20th, 9am at the Arizona State Capitol
When we come together for collective action, we build power in our movement for justice and liberation. Save the date for this year's annual UU Day at the Legislature, at the Arizona State Capitol, which has traditionally included a lobby training, guest speakers, a capitol tour, and appointments to speak with your legislators. To be sure we involve congregations as much as possible in re-imagining this event, we'd love for all folks to take a minute to give some feedback. If you think you'd be willing to be a DATL "captain" for your legislative district, fill out the form by Nov. 15th.
Give your input and register here
The ABCs of Abolition
Fall 2022
Recent events have shown us, more clearly than ever: the police do NOT keep us safe. It's past time to start creating real solutions for community safety and individual thriving, but luckily, we're not starting from square one. Many people, especially from BIPOC communities, have been working on this problem for decades. UUJAZ, in partnership with Side With Love, has created an incredible curriculum about the urgent work of abolishing police and prisons, which we are presenting to AZ UUs as "The ABCs of Abolition."
Sign up here to learn more about our upcoming course.
Recent events have shown us, more clearly than ever: the police do NOT keep us safe. It's past time to start creating real solutions for community safety and individual thriving, but luckily, we're not starting from square one. Many people, especially from BIPOC communities, have been working on this problem for decades. UUJAZ, in partnership with Side With Love, has created an incredible curriculum about the urgent work of abolishing police and prisons, which we are presenting to AZ UUs as "The ABCs of Abolition."
Sign up here to learn more about our upcoming course.
UU the Vote with UUJAZ
June - November 2022
Democracy hangs in the balance, reproductive rights are clinging by a thread, and we are still waiting for promises about climate and immigration justice to be realized. In the meantime: the pandemic, economic injustice, sexism, racism, transphobia and homophobia keep us exhausted and unsure what to do. But UUJAZ has your back. Join us to be in community with UUs across Arizona who are making a difference in their communities, grounding each other and sharing ideas for electoral engagement.
Our reporting form is live: Submit your electoral efforts here to help track your congregation's progress to becoming a Good Trouble Congregation. Remember to add the work you have already done collecting signatures for ballot initiatives, writing letters, phonebanking, and more. The form is available at bit.ly/uutvaz.
Email Casey Clowes, UUJAZ Congregational Organizer and UU the Vote Program Coordinator, with your questions at [email protected].
Democracy hangs in the balance, reproductive rights are clinging by a thread, and we are still waiting for promises about climate and immigration justice to be realized. In the meantime: the pandemic, economic injustice, sexism, racism, transphobia and homophobia keep us exhausted and unsure what to do. But UUJAZ has your back. Join us to be in community with UUs across Arizona who are making a difference in their communities, grounding each other and sharing ideas for electoral engagement.
Our reporting form is live: Submit your electoral efforts here to help track your congregation's progress to becoming a Good Trouble Congregation. Remember to add the work you have already done collecting signatures for ballot initiatives, writing letters, phonebanking, and more. The form is available at bit.ly/uutvaz.
Email Casey Clowes, UUJAZ Congregational Organizer and UU the Vote Program Coordinator, with your questions at [email protected].
Love In Action
Let's Talk About the 2023 Changes to Our UU Principles, Sources, and Purpose
Our social justice work centers putting our UU values into action… but what do UUs value? In 2020 the UUA commissioned a team to study the principles, sources, purpose, and values of Unitarian Universalism in order to suggest changes to the bylaws where they are housed (Article 2) in summer 2023. UUJAZ has been following the proposed changes, and we want to hold space for a weekly conversation to explore our individual and collective values.
Learn more about the Article 2 Study Commission here and then register below:
Sedona UU with Rev. Anthony: Wednesdays Nov 9th - December 14th, 10:30 am - 12 pm
Anyone in AZ: Wednesdays Nov 9th - December 7th, 6 - 7:30 pm
Granite Peak: coming soon
Let's Talk About the 2023 Changes to Our UU Principles, Sources, and Purpose
Our social justice work centers putting our UU values into action… but what do UUs value? In 2020 the UUA commissioned a team to study the principles, sources, purpose, and values of Unitarian Universalism in order to suggest changes to the bylaws where they are housed (Article 2) in summer 2023. UUJAZ has been following the proposed changes, and we want to hold space for a weekly conversation to explore our individual and collective values.
Learn more about the Article 2 Study Commission here and then register below:
Sedona UU with Rev. Anthony: Wednesdays Nov 9th - December 14th, 10:30 am - 12 pm
Anyone in AZ: Wednesdays Nov 9th - December 7th, 6 - 7:30 pm
Granite Peak: coming soon