Covid Policies by Congregation
UU Congregation of Phoenix (UUCP)
Sedona UU Fellowship (SUUF)
Welcome to Our Service. We are happy to have you join us. Please review these guidelines that are in place for the safety of everyone attending our in-person service today. If you aren’t feeling well, or cannot comply with these precautions, we respectfully request that you return home and enjoy this or another service online on our YouTube channel.
The online version for today’s service may be viewed on YouTube by next weekend or sooner. Visit our website to find the link.
MASKS ARE REQUIRED: Disposable blue surgical masks are provided and required for attendance – OR – you may use your own N95 mask instead, or double mask (I.e. cloth mask + provided surgical mask). Your mouth and nose must remain covered while inside the building.
VACCINATION IS STRONGLY REQUESTED: Since we are offering our services online, we strongly request that our unvaccinated members and friends enjoy an online service, instead of attending in-person.
HAND SANITIZING STATIONS: Available at the entrance and throughout the building. Please make use of these to avoid spreading of the virus.
MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING: Seating is no longer taped off to ensure at least 6-ft between parties. For your safety and that of others who may be at risk, please leave 2 empty seats between yourself and other parties or groups. Desired maximum attendance is 60 people.
NO LIVE SINGING OR SINGALONGS: For now, we will continue to provide our music in video form because of the additional risks involved in aerosol spread through singing. This is in keeping with current UUA guidelines for in-person gatherings. To this end, we will have a large screen TV monitor for us to enjoy the singing of our musician and other performers. We will refrain from congregational singalongs until it is safe to do so.
All readings are presented via video. The minister and featured presenters will be the only unmasked speakers during our services.
NO HUGS OR HAND SHAKES (FOR NOW): We look forward to getting back to our affectionate greetings. But for now, the risk of even vaccinated folks spreading or getting the virus is too great for us to be in close contact.
NO GREETERS AT THE DOOR: Please take an Order of Service and proceed to the Sanctuary to locate a seat. You may wish to complete a form to make an Announcement or share a Joy or Concern at the table outside the double-doors and place it in the appropriate basket. There is a large jar for depositing your pledge or other donation. Thank you for supporting our Fellowship.
SOCIALIZING WILL TAKE PLACE OUTSIDE after the service, instead of using the indoor spaces for speaking in groups.
Thanks for helping to ensure the well-being of our Fellowship.
The online version for today’s service may be viewed on YouTube by next weekend or sooner. Visit our website to find the link.
MASKS ARE REQUIRED: Disposable blue surgical masks are provided and required for attendance – OR – you may use your own N95 mask instead, or double mask (I.e. cloth mask + provided surgical mask). Your mouth and nose must remain covered while inside the building.
VACCINATION IS STRONGLY REQUESTED: Since we are offering our services online, we strongly request that our unvaccinated members and friends enjoy an online service, instead of attending in-person.
HAND SANITIZING STATIONS: Available at the entrance and throughout the building. Please make use of these to avoid spreading of the virus.
MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING: Seating is no longer taped off to ensure at least 6-ft between parties. For your safety and that of others who may be at risk, please leave 2 empty seats between yourself and other parties or groups. Desired maximum attendance is 60 people.
NO LIVE SINGING OR SINGALONGS: For now, we will continue to provide our music in video form because of the additional risks involved in aerosol spread through singing. This is in keeping with current UUA guidelines for in-person gatherings. To this end, we will have a large screen TV monitor for us to enjoy the singing of our musician and other performers. We will refrain from congregational singalongs until it is safe to do so.
All readings are presented via video. The minister and featured presenters will be the only unmasked speakers during our services.
NO HUGS OR HAND SHAKES (FOR NOW): We look forward to getting back to our affectionate greetings. But for now, the risk of even vaccinated folks spreading or getting the virus is too great for us to be in close contact.
NO GREETERS AT THE DOOR: Please take an Order of Service and proceed to the Sanctuary to locate a seat. You may wish to complete a form to make an Announcement or share a Joy or Concern at the table outside the double-doors and place it in the appropriate basket. There is a large jar for depositing your pledge or other donation. Thank you for supporting our Fellowship.
SOCIALIZING WILL TAKE PLACE OUTSIDE after the service, instead of using the indoor spaces for speaking in groups.
Thanks for helping to ensure the well-being of our Fellowship.
Granite Peak UU Congregation (GPUUC)
- DO NOT come in person if you have ANY COVID symptoms.
- Masks are required at all times.
- Maintain 6ft of distance from people not in your household.
- Masks are required at all times.
- Maintain 6ft of distance from people not in your household.